Long gap but just thought of scribbling a thought that came in my mind. It is about the episode in Mahabarata where in Draupadi is brought to court by Dushasana after Yudhistir loses her as well in the game of dice.
As has been said in few of my blogs before, Pandavas represent the five senses or may be to some extent the few good characterisitcs we can have as humans and Kauravas the bad ones. Recently I read in a site which I thought explains the 100 numbers. The Indriyas or senses add up to 10. 5 Jnanendriyas and 5 karmendriyas. These 10 indriyas if allowed at their will can lead to 10 * 10 = 100 combinations; which represents the Kauravas.
Thus, Mahabarata war is basically the fight of this bad and good with in us and the battlefield is nothing but our minds.
Coming back to the court scene, the bad thoughts (Kauravas) can be very luring and use various tricks and techniques (Shakuni) to overpower the good thoughts (Pandavas). And if Pandavas yield to it and surrender themselves to Kauravas what is tossed in the public is the Pride or the Self Esteem or the Self (Draupadi)
Now when Draupadi or Pride is being lost, it makes no sense of asking the society, blaming the circumstances or even taking help of senses. What helps is only the surrender of oneself to Him, the LORD. And when this happens, He comes to your rescue and Pride can be restored.
Though a very small instance, and thought triggered by one of the questions in forum in Orkut, I felt it is worth mentioning here.
I plan to write more in future and hope I succeed